We are in the Process of a Major Shift in Perception.

Aaron Lyons
4 min readApr 7, 2021

The breakthroughs in science, particularly the major ones, have had profound impacts on how we perceive the world, as well as how we orient ourselves and behave. As our understanding of reality shifts, so does the manner in how we orient ourselves in it.

Science, in its infant stage, told us we are mere animals, mechanical beings subject to the random chaos of life. Believing this, we lost much of our power.

In esoteric schools, before unlocking your true capacities, your higher faculties, you must learn to view the world in a certain manner, in a way that is actually the accurate way, that is — as all things being energy vibrating at different frequencies. It’s simple and intuitive really — understanding how reality worked unlocked doors.

Although this information had and has been kicking around in esoteric bookshops and hippie circles, the real impact will be made once it reaches and is believed by the masses, and it achieves collective consensus best through scientific discovery and validation.

This is why you should be really excited about the near future. If understanding life to be energy in motion leads to humans unlocking their higher potential, and science being the gateway in shifting mass perspective and belief, then we have all the ingredients now for a major leap forward in our evolution.

See, one must not just intellectually believe these truths to avail of the benefits, it has to be a subconscious underlying belief of the collective human organism. It must be a shade that tints our shared cultural lenses. We have a tendency to gravitate towards our communities beliefs, whether happily or regrettably, it is an inbuilt survival mechanism necessary for cooperation.

Core beliefs are built and consolidated best when those around us share them, hence it will be paradigm-shifting once the implications of the new breakthroughs in science reach the collective.

(Also, not only do our beliefs majorly affect how we proceed in the world, our understanding of history, or rather, of our story, massively affects reality too. Along with our rediscovery of how material (or non-material) reality works, we are also on the verge of a complete rediscovery of forgotten periods of history, periods which will inspire and illuminate a great deal for us — but that’s another post altogether)

The results are in regarding science seeing reality as pure energy vibrating at different frequencies — or as Richard Feynman says — “everything jiggles!”. Nothing is solid, all is fluid. There are no ‘things’, only processes, only energy.

Indeed, the shift is occurring, it’s just hard to see clearly while being in the process of it, and it will take time to fully integrate into our culturally shared models of belief.

Nonetheless, we are hurtling towards this exciting future regardless, and thanks to the phenomenon of time speeding up, it won’t be too long. The interconnectedness of humanity thanks to the internet, along with our extra free time due to growing prosperity, will most definitely lead to this acceleration of time accelerating further. The days ahead will get brighter as science gets weirder.

Parting message

We are co-creating reality with our beliefs, thoughts, behaviours, and expectations. Have you ever noticed you are a different person with different people? A different version of you is expressed with different people partly due to their expectation of whom you will be, of who you are. In quantum mechanics particles exist as waves or potentials in every space possible until looked for, then they collapse in the position the observer looked or expected it to be.

You can see then that we are, at least in part, playing a role in the creation of the constantly unravelling now. Knowing this, one should make sure to expect a positive future. This doesn’t mean avoiding the truth of the situation, but it does mean investing energy into the expectation of a brighter future. When you think of A.I. don’t fear it and all the potential downsides or dangers, rather think we are being liberated by the machine to pursue more meaningful paths. The mundane day-to-day jobs are being delegated to everyone’s benefit. Soon man will graduate from the role of laundry cleaning and automobile construction, free to focus on self-actualization and healing as opposed to ensuring survival.

Acknowledge what could go wrong, take the necessary steps to ensure you are doing all you can to help avoid negative potential futures, then leave it at that. Think pragmatically in regard to the negative potentials. Do the work, take the precautions, then get your mind off of that energy. In your daydreams, planning, and anticipations, assume and expect the positive in all things.

Much Love to you Dear Stranger ❤

