Open Letter to Conspiracy Theorists

Aaron Lyons
8 min readJun 3, 2021

Many who see themselves as ‘woke’ due to supposedly knowing the truth about what’s going on are lost in horseshit. They say, “look at these sheep, blindly believing and following what the media tells them” — yet they say this in complete hypocrisy as they are doing the exact same.

Tell me, is the same lazy subscription to other’s narratives not happening in the conspiracy community also?

Question everything! Unless it’s spoken by someone on YouTube and affirmed by many in the comments.

I’m not saying I don’t believe in any conspiracies potentially being true, or even probably being true, I’m just arguing that we really need to sharpen our ability to reason and understand. So many see themselves as woke as opposed to sheep, but really they’re just sheep in woke’s clothing.

Don’t claim you know what’s going on when you get most of your info from other individuals who don’t even explain where they got their info from. Actually educate yourself by reading and sharpening your intellect, so you can see through the lies and bullshit, on both the mainstream side and the underground alternative narrative side.

In this post, I aim to illuminate blind spots that are limiting or even harming many’s abilities to see and think clearly.

The Monster Under Our Bed

I’m going to lay out why many are so convinced by the theories circulating, and how humans have a tendency to see evil and malevolent intention where there is none.

Most of us as children feared the dark. We lay awake at night suspecting there may be a monster beneath the bed. Sharing our concerns with parents, they assured us that it’s all just in our heads. What does that mean though? It means we have the ability to project evil or danger onto the world where it doesn’t actually exist. We have this inbuilt tendency for survival reasons.

I’m not saying all monsters are imaginary, but I am saying you must be aware of this tendency, so see them where they are not.

Volcanic eruption

Back in the good old days when a volcano would erupt and decimate thousands, people would believe this was due to an angry god. We would respond by sacrificing people to the volcano in order to please God and keep him happy… What a ridiculous way to think, right!?

Well, the idea that the world has an element of random chaos to it is frankly terrifying. It’s much more comforting to think the volcano killing thousands was intentionally done, that it was done for a reason, because in that case perhaps it could be avoided in the future. It would be much more helpful to live in a world with meaning to all its events, rather than a world rife with fuck-ups and tragedies with no one to blame.

And so this leads us to COVID-19. I personally believe it was accidentally let out of a lab, though many believe there is a very carefully laid out plan being unravelled as we speak, yes, something that required years of planning and careful execution.

For some reason, this model of understanding is comforting in some way. It’s more exciting and makes us as humans feel more powerful. Besides, if it was all human intention that created it, human intention can avoid it in the future.

Also, the idea that accidents happen, is much less exciting than the novel-worthy narratives pushed by some alternative theorists. I’m not saying there aren’t any agendas behind things, I’m just saying we should keep this human tendency in mind as we try to make sense of what’s going on.

Belief systems, addictions to familiarity, confirmation bias

Belief is sticky. It’s limiting. Everything besides your direct experience is an unconfirmed rumour, so why let any belief have so much influence over your thoughts and emotions.

When we create belief systems, our brains create neurological circuits. As we become more invested in a certain way to view the world, we continue to build onto that circuit by confirming our viewpoints by seeking confirmation and then finding patterns that further confirm our convictions.

Confirmation bias is a tendency humans have to filter out all that doesn’t validate our belief structures, hence things that confirm our beliefs stand out to us. Also, it releases dopamine to get confirmation that our beliefs are correct, because, for survival, it is important that your model of the world is correct. It feels uncomfortable to entertain ideas that are contrary to your current beliefs.

Familiarity is comforting. It preserves energy. Also, anything that becomes habituated we addict to. So, let’s say you read up on conspiracy theories, you feel energy, some fear or adrenaline. We can quickly become addicted to these chemicals and search for them regularly.

Energy is primary, the ongoings of the 3D are secondary. Cultivate your mind garden.

All events, narratives, and dramas playing out on the physical are mere shadows of energy.

Everything is energy vibrating at different states of being. Think of energy as bacteria that feeds off attention. When you focus on negative energies, you are fuelling them. Giving them the nourishment of your attention to spread. Hence, they spread to your psyche, your subconscious, affecting how you see the word, as what you see in the world is largely a mirror of your own state of mind.

Not only are you polluting your own consciousness when focusing on negative energies, but you’re also harming the collective consciousness. It doesn’t matter if you hate hatred, the hate is coming from the same source. Hating immoral acts is also an immoral act. Hatred’s not received, it’s coming straight from the source.

“I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.” — Mother Teresa

Tell me, what kind of energy are you conjuring and feeding when you dwell on all the possibilities regarding conspiracies? I’m not saying don’t investigate and search for truth, but I’m saying don’t get lost down the rabbit hole of torturing your mind with the potentially non-existent monsters there may be lurking in the shadows.

When I see what’s going on in the world today, I see the culmination of a great struggle between good and evil. Most evil is done by those who don’t realize what they’re doing

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” — Mr. J Christ

indeed, the path to hell is paved with good intentions. For evil to exist there must be ignorance, for good to exist there must be awareness. Those who help push us in the direction of a world dominated by humanity’s darkest aspects don’t do it intentionally. Bill Gates, though he may have selfish intentions too, definitely see’s himself as someone doing the right things. He most likely doesn’t laugh maniacally about his super evil plan coming to fruition as he drinks the blood of babies.

There was a woman spy who worked undercover with numerous countries, a triple agent. I believe the countries were the US, Russia, and China. All of which thought she was working for them. She wrote a biography in her old age and said she was completely blown away by the realization that every side thinks they are the good guys. Russia doesn’t think they’re evil. China doesn’t think they’re evil. They all see themselves as the good guys and project the monster under their bed.

So, evil does it’s deeds by influencing subtly. The more negative mental bacteria there is in the collective consciousness, the more power it has. Hence, those who are stuck in feelings of fear or paranoia, regularly thinking of all the potential monsters under their bed, are actually feeding evil.

Stop this! Feed yourselves feelings of hope and love and optimism. See all the beautiful potential futures. See this age as the collapsing of evil structures and the ushering in of freedom from pain and ignorance.


Heal yourself. Make that garden in your mind beautiful by pulling out the weeds and planting flowers and fruit-bearing trees. Save the world by cleaning up your piece of the collective consciousness. Become familiar with your mind and your thoughts, gain control over them and cultivate and mindset conducive to growth, healing, and joyfulness.

The best way to combat evil and help good is by cultivating, maintaining, and spreading positivity. Do this by creating discipline and intention within you. Use your thinking as a tool, don’t be unconscious and bashed around by the fluctuations of your thoughts and emotions.

Gain stability and mental clarity from meditation and other discipline honing activities so that you can create your personal reality using your personality reality, instead of having your personality crafted by your personal reality.

Finally, read! Attaining info from books is way better than getting it from YouTube, Reddit, or blog sites.. or, god forbid, TikTok!

Read great books. Develop your mind.

In the old days, a lot of effort was made to keep people inarticulate and uneducated. Books were burned, they were reserved for the powerful, the lords, and those in the church systems. People were hung or burned for reading if they were mere commoners because reading makes you powerful and those with power and control knew that.

Read, put away technology and develop discipline. Don’t be a slave to the screen, don’t sacrifice your humanity, power, and uniqueness for the unsatisfying pleasures provided by machines.

“We have to create culture, don’t watch TV, don’t read magazines, don’t even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you’re worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you’re giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told ‘no’, we’re unimportant, we’re peripheral. ‘Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.’ And then you’re a player, you don’t want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.” — Terence Mckenna

Mould or be moulded.

